To achieve our mission to “support UCF’s mission and goals by providing reliable, dynamic and innovative IT services,” UCF IT has developed a Business Relationship Management function. Business Relationship Management is the process that enables Business Relationship Managers (BRM) to provide open communication between UCF IT and the colleges and divisions at the strategic and tactical levels. The BRMs strive to understand the college and division strategies and goals and to ensure UCF IT services are in alignment.
The BRM team provides the capability to identify innovate methods and solutions in academic teaching technology to enhance our researcher’s capability. Leveraging UCF IT’s extensive technological abilities and a deep understanding of the unique challenges presented to researchers the BRM team provides a mechanism for UCF IT to provide services to our research community.

Contact your Business Relationship Manager below to begin the dialog on how UCF IT can assist you in achieving your goals and objectives. If your area is not listed, please contact Joseph Alcala at for assistance.
Meet Our Team
Terry Wheeler
Burnett Honors College,
College of Business
Administration, and
College of Sciences

Joel Lavoie
UCF Libraries, Division of
Digital Learning, Office of
Instructional Resources,
and UCF Connect

Bryce Jackson
College of Arts & Humanities

Larry Jaffe
College of Community
Innovation and Education,
UCF Downtown, Student
Development and Enrollment
Services, and UCF Foundation

Bryan Sevinger
College of Health Professions
and Sciences, Division of
Student Learning and
Academic Success, Student
Health Services, and UCF
Human Resources