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Get Involved!

Join the Change Champion Network!

The Change Network is a group of influential individuals from the campus community who assist the project team by fostering collaborative relationships and communications between the project and the students, faculty and staff. 

Once you become a member of the Change Network, you will be added to a Teams Channel, invited to meetings with the project team and provided project updates in advance to assist with creating a two-way communication channel with the community. 

Share the News!

Click the image to download this flyer for students. Share it by printing it out and posting it around student-populated areas on campus or share it digitally with colleagues.

Encountering issues with your account?

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Phone: 407.823.5117

Service Ticket: Click Here
For project feedback, click here to fill out our form. If you have any specific project-related questions regarding how the project will impact your role at UCF, email us at for a direct response.