What is VoIP?
Cisco VoIP phones replaced Siemens phones on campus. VoIP — which stands for Voice over Internet Protocol and often pronounced “voyp” – transmits voice telephone calls over a data network. VoIP services on the University of Central Florida campus will convert your voice energy into a digital signal that is packetized and travels over the campus IP data network. This enables the consolidation of voice and data networks on campus.
Are voicemails accessible through my email?
Yes, Exchange Unified Messaging is available for any Cisco IP VoIP phone. Additionally you can call into the voicemail system from on and off campus.
How are Cisco VoIP phones connected?
The existing data network jack in your office will directly connect into your phone. Then, a cable will be connected from your phone to your computer that will provide network connectivity for your computer. Your VoIP phone will not affect your network speed. Refer to the diagram below.

Are calls routed over the public internet?
No. On-campus telephone calls will be carried by the University of Central Florida IP data network. Calls to and from the campus will be carried by our local voice vendor, Spectrum, as they are today.
Are Auto Attendants available in Cisco phones?
Yes. Auto Attendant technology, which provides phone tree menus, are available with Cisco phones. If you need assistance, contact IT Support Desk at 3-5447.
Do VoIP phones work during power outages?
In the event of a power outage, campus networks have been designed to maintain connectivity using UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supplies) for a minimum of 30 minutes.
What happens if I get locked out of my voicemail box?
The new voicemail system will lock automatically after 3 failed login attempts. It will automatically unlock after 30 minutes.
Can I use a wireless headset on Cisco phones?
The new Cisco 8945 VoIP telephones are Bluetooth compatible and there are a variety of compatible wired and wireless headsets from manufacturers such as Plantronics, Sennheizer, and Jabra. We recommend checking manufacturers’ websites to select headsets based users’ unique preferences, budget, and requirements. For example, some people like single ear headsets and some like headband style headsets for both ears. People working in open office areas may need noise cancelling microphones, which are more expensive. Manufacturers frequently release new models and discontinue old models, so we are unable to maintain a current list of all models on our web site.
Headset manufacturers’ websites will typically list compatibility, so be sure to check that the selected headsets are compatible with the Cisco 8945 telephones.UCF IT Telecommunications will not be providing or supporting headsets on the old Cisco models.
Will my wired headset provided by UCF work on Cisco phones?
Yes, some of the wired headsets that OIT provided in the past will work on the Cisco 7945 / 7965 VoIP phones. However, an expensive adapter is necessary. If you wish to re-use your existing wired headset you will need to purchase a headset adapter for your new phone which can be ordered through the Technology Product Center.
Please note: When the new VoIP phones are installed, the existing phones and connected headsets will be removed. If you wish to keep your existing headset, please remove it from the phone and store it out of sight before the scheduled telephone installation.
UCF IT Telecommunications hopes that end users will instead take advantage of the new technology supported by the Cisco VoIP phones and select and purchase a Bluetooth headset which offers greater user mobility. The new Cisco 8945 VoIP telephones are Bluetooth compatible and there are a variety of compatible wired and wireless headsets from manufacturers such as Plantronics, Sennheizer, and Jabbra. We recommend checking manufacturers’ websites to select headsets based users’ unique preferences, budget, and requirements. For example, some people like single ear headsets and some like headband style headsets for both ears. People working in open office areas may need noise cancelling microphones, which are more expensive. Manufacturers frequently release new models and discontinue old models, so we are unable to maintain a current list of all models on our web site.
Headset manufacturers’ websites will typically list compatibility, so be sure to check that the selected headsets are compatible with the Cisco 8945 telephones. UCF IT Telecommunications will not be providing or supporting headsets on the old Cisco phones. Once you have selected the desired headset model, we recommend you investigate its availability with the Technology Product Center.
What should I clean my Cisco phone with?
The Cisco phone models tend to scratch rather easily, so it is best not to use paper towels or rougher materials.
What is the Corporate Directory function on my phone?
Corporate Directory is a function on all Cisco phones that enables searching contacts within an institution. This function is linked to the UCF Phone Directory.
What is the red box with a number in it by the top left button on my phone, and how do I get rid of it?
The red box shows the number of missed incoming calls since the last time you checked your call log. To get rid of the red box, you can check your call log by pressing the second button down on the right side of the phone.
Can I move my own VoIP telephone after it is installed?
My phone display looks different and I can’t make or receive calls.
Try unplugging and firmly re-plugging the Ethernet cable to the network connection on the back of the phone, and wait for the phone to re-register. If your computer or docking station is connected through the phone, you may temporarily lose your network connection. If this does not resolve the problem, please contact the IT Service Center by calling 407-823-5117 or emailing servicedesk@ucf.edu