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The Student Perception of Instruction (SPI) process is governed by the Faculty Senate and the Faculty Excellence office. Surveys are made available online to students near the end of each term to give them the opportunity to rate their instructors’ performance. After the grades due deadline, the collected data is processed, and the results are handed over to Faculty Excellence for review and delivery to their respective colleges.

All requests for access to SPI results, for current or previous semesters, and any questions regarding missing course data or other errors should be directed to the Faculty Excellence office at – not to the Test Scoring OfficeEmails should include as much detail as possible (semester info, course AND section numbers, instructor names, or any other relevant information). 

Data for courses with fewer than five students enrolled is intentionally excluded from the results and will not be released. No Exceptions! This policy was set by the Faculty Senate years ago and is still in effect. Please do not ask to check on missing course reports if the course did not have at least five students enrolled.

Current Student Perception of Instruction (Spring 2013 to present)

There are currently nine multiple choice questions and two free response comment questions, down from sixteen and four prior to Spring 2013. The number of questions was reduced in the hopes of increasing student participation / response rates.

The multiple-choice questions are:

  1. Effectiveness organizing the course
  2. Effectiveness explaining course requirements, grading criteria, and expectations
  3. Effectiveness communicating ideas and/or information
  4. Effectiveness showing respect and concern for students
  5. Effectiveness stimulating interest in the course
  6. Effectiveness creating an environment that helps students learn
  7. Effectiveness giving useful feedback on course performance
  8. Effectiveness helping students achieve course objectives
  9. Overall effectiveness of the instructor

Possible responses are Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, and Poor.

The free response comment questions are:

  1. What did you like best about the course and/or how the instructor taught it?
  2. What suggestions do you have for improving the course and/or how the instructor taught it?

Prior to Spring 2013

From 1996 to Spring 2013, the SPI process consisted of sixteen multiple choice questions and four free response comment questions.

The multiple-choice questions included:

  1. Feedback concerning your performance in this course was
  2. The instructor’s interest in your learning was
  3. Use of class time was
  4. The instructor’s overall organization of the course was
  5. Continuity from one class meeting to the next was
  6. The pace of the course was
  7. The instructor’s assessment of your progress in the course was
  8. The texts and supplemental learning materials used in the course were
  9. Description of course objectives and assignments
  10. Communication of ideas and information
  11. Expression of expectations for performance
  12. Availability to assist students in or outside of class
  13. Respect and concern for students
  14. Stimulation of interest in the course
  15. Facilitation of learning
  16. Overall assessment of instructor

Possible responses were Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, and Poor.

The free response comment questions included:

  1. The thing(s) I like the MOST about this course
  2. The thing(s) I like the LEAST about this course
  3. What is your reaction to the method of evaluating your mastery of the course (i.e., testing, grading, out of class assignments (term papers), instructor feedback, etc.)
  4. Additional comments and suggestions for improvement