Please select the appropriate form for your service request and fill it out completely. You may contact the UCF IT Support Centerfor any questions on how to fill out or submit the form.
Email Forms:
- Exchange Account Deprovisioning Request
- Exchange Existing Account Access Request
- For new account creation, see your department’s ePAF originator.
Telecommunications Forms (Network, Telephony, Radio, Cable):
- Telecommunications Request Form (Updated 3/2015)
- For use by departments, colleges, and other affiliated entities
- Telecommunications New Account (Non-UCF entities) Form
- Radio Frequency Coordination (Events) Form
- Student Resident Telephone Request (Housing site)
- Not a CS&T form, but a handy link for getting a CS&T service
Request a UCF Sponsored Account:
- Sponsored Account Request Form
- Used to request access for non-UCF affiliated individuals (e.g. vendors)
- Individual must have department sponsor their access
- The sponsor should follow the link, log in and follow the directions on screen.
- Information about the Sponsored Account Request Form