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Committee Members Present:

Scott Baron, Pedro Cordero, Craig Froehlich, Brian Graham, Elisabeth Greenwood, Adnan Hameed, Bryce Jackson, Larry Jaffe, Felicia Kendall, Joel Lavoie, Tim Neubrander, Fred Okumu, JP Peters

Committee Members Absent:

Michael Callahan, Becky Moulton, Andrew O’Mara

Others Present:

Joe Alcala, Yasmin Brady, Priscilla Camp, Thomas Christensen, Robert Connors, Michael Constantino, Steve Crowe, Jim Ennis, Jon-Paul Estes, Adiaak Gavarrete, Adam Glover, Robert Haas, Joel Hartman, Lisa Isham, Tim Larson, Thierry Lechler, John Marshall, Todd McMahon, Bob Mello, Bryan Sevinger, Jacob Skinner, Alan Stevens, Aaron Streimish, Chris Tellez, Paul Turner, Chris Vakhordjian


Larry Jaffe called the meeting to order at 10:01am.
Larry asked everyone to review the minutes from the previous meeting.

  • Fred Okumu voted to approve the minutes, Brian Graham seconded.
  • Everyone agreed on approval of the minutes without any changes.

Joel Hartman gave a CIO Update.

  • We are in the process of purchasing the integration tool SnapLogic.
  • The budget committee said they agree with moving the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) stack to the cloud, but they do not have $50 million to commit to the project. We are working with vendors to finance this project long term. In the short term, we will continue with the premise grant project with the Office of Research. The Finance and Accounting office is going to continue with the Chart of Accounts, which is necessary for the grants project to work. The Chart of Accounts project is being designed so that it will work with the premise PeopleSoft, the cloud Oracle, and the cloud Web Day.
  • Bob Mello mentioned that the big opportunity we are seeing with DataSite Orlando (DSO) is we are working with infrastructure, network team, and information security team and cross training each other. DSO is steadily moving along and we are still on target for the end of fall.
  • When we move all of this equipment down to DSO we are taking around 30 racks and compressing it down to three racks. We worked with UCF Facilities to put meters in the data center to measure how much power the existing stack is consuming and it is roughly a quarter million dollars a year. We think that when we are fully migrated to DSO that number will look more like eighty thousand a year. As we shed costs in CSB (College of Sciences Building), UCF Facilities will pay the power bills.
  • The NIST 800-171 project is now taking shape in a way that we can implement. The project will have encrypted laptops for the researchers containing encrypted data. We would create a VPN concentrator, which would point to Amazon Web Services.
  • The UCF Foundation is one of the first business units that we worked with to put resources in the cloud. They came up with a new version of Blackbaud.
  • We are working closely with Valencia on major projects including the Downtown campus and a student success analytics database.

Chris Vakhordjian gave a CISO update.

  • The infrastructure team is securing the back-end management networks. We are also putting something very similar to our ERP system where you must go through VPN (Virtual Private Network) and MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication).
  • I am pushing and hopeful for banners on our servers so when you log in the banner comes up and says only for authorized users.
  • We are also looking at Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS). We have narrowed it down to two products.

Larry Jaffe gave an update on the IT Professionals Subcommittee on committee strategies.

  • The IT Professionals Subcommittee will be sending out an email to UCF IT and ITRCC regarding a webinar about the Governance process being implemented. The webinar will be on June 8th at 2:00pm. The webinar is going to touch on the discovery process of committees, requirements of committees, and information necessary to be a part of the governance process.
  • The discovery period will be from June 8 to June 29 where we ask anyone that leads a committee to fill out the short Qualtrics survey. We will then look at the committees and try to find some commonalities that could help form the Governance Groups at Level 3 in the framework discussed at prior IT Professionals Committee meetings.
  • Anyone is always welcome to join the IT Professionals Subcommittee. The next meeting is July 17th at 2:00pm. Please email me if you want to join the IT Professionals Subcommittee.

JP Peters and Chris Tellez gave a presentation on the Client Endpoint Services Design Package. The PowerPoint presentation is at the end of the minutes.

  • When we first spun up the Support Center, we talked about some initiatives and came up with a three year phased plan. One of the initiatives we want to talk about today is developing device support policies and standards.
  • Our main goal is to make it more efficient not just for the IT staff that is supporting all of the client end points, but to make sure we provide a seamless experience to the clients themselves. Regardless of which support zone they are in or which device they chose from our catalog, the experience is the same.
  • We have started to look at the integration of changing our office productivity suite. Click to run and the technology behind that and the version of Microsoft Office that comes with it is very important to us. The Office 365 Pro Plus is a continuously upgrading platform. The platform also has a streaming technology that will lay down some of the basic bits to get you working while the rest of the platform is still installing in the background. This will bring a lot of functionality to Microsoft Office moving forward and is already becoming a dependency for some of the initiatives that are happening on campus.
  • We believe the answer to user data (i.e. MyDocuments) is OneDrive. If we could start to migrate people’s personal data into their personal OneDrive environment, then in the next couple of years we may no longer be dependent of on premises resources for user data. We are looking to reduce on premises data footprint and hopefully reduce the cost for the individual units and colleges.
  • According to the service design package, the BYOD scenario is currently opt-in. If you choose to have your device managed by the institution you can, but it is not required. We are trying to standardize around the existing fleet of mobile device management resolutions and have a single solution and platform that we use.
  • If we are able to start deploying PaperCut across the board, license permitting, then we could start getting real data as to how much we are spending and figuring out where some of those areas for savings could be at scale.
  • The major selling point for using our recommended devices is better quality of support. Due to the standardization of devices, we will be able to provide them faster, provide reliable support, and potentially have equipment standing by that we could easily swap if something goes wrong.
  • If we have the IT Product Catalog out there as a guideline, we will also need to bake it in to the minds of the staff. We can present the information and have it out there, but it really comes down to the technician meeting with the faculty member, and providing an informed recommendation.
  • The working groups are in process right now and we are about to start the round two groups next week. Round three will be a three to four week engagement. We will have three groups, then wrap up any additional engagements and discussions together, and send that through the project intake process to the project management office.

Steve Crowe gave a presentation on Microsoft Teams. The PowerPoint presentation is at the end of the minutes.

  • From a UCF Perspective, what is the low hanging fruit that we are going to get rid of by implementing Teams? We are going to replace all of our distribution groups with the exact same team name. Our Unified Messaging team typically gets 150-200 tickets per month just to update distribution team members because there is no way to do that today in Office365. By adding Teams, the owners can update their own distribution groups as needed.
  • There is a SharePoint migration project that we have just started within the last month so that the current UCF IT support SharePoint websites are going to start to migrate to Teams. This means that we have to get the teams created and built before we can actually migrate the SharePoint sites to it.
  • With a team, a file is stored in one central location and you never have to email that file again. People can access the file, and if you email the attachment within the team, it sends as a URL to that central file. You can also have up to 10 different people modifying the file at the same time.
  • Historical chat is a great for Teams because past conversations can be shared internally and externally.
  • Today, Microsoft Teams will not give us external access since it is only for internal use. Private and shared channels is the requirement for guest access. In today’s world, members of teams cannot be restricted to see certain channels. The current maximum for meetings is eight. Another issue that is current with Teams is any specific owner can delete a team at any given time. Once the team is deleted we only have 30 days to get back all of the data or it is gone.

MOTION: JP Peters made a motion to move forward with a rollout plan activating Microsoft Teams without the requirements of private channels. The rollout should include a solid marketing, communication, guidelines, best practices, and user education. Steve Crowe will lead a working group (which Steve agreed to at the meeting) before Microsoft Teams is implemented. Felicia Kendall seconded the motion. The motion passed with 12 FOR the motion and 1 AGAINST the motion.

Meeting Adjourned at 12:12pm